New Rules: NBA Edition

August 15th, 2010 by Thomas Galicia Leave a reply »
Sports has gotten to the point where everyone has an opinion on everything now. Some of it is informed, rational, and filled with reason. 

You never hear any of that.

A lot of it has actually made me, as well as other sports fans out there, pretty angry. 

I'm not angry over people disagreeing with my opinions, I'm angry over some of the e-mail's I've received over my opinions.

Apparently for some people, freedom of speech only applies to people who agree with them.

Then you look at some of the comments on B/R, and while thoughtful discourse is used, some times its nothing more than people belittiling the author because they disagreed with that point of view. Meanwhile the only thing they can say to defend their point isn't stats, reason, rationale, or anything quoted from interviews that are easy to find online, only "this article was a waste of my time" or "its clear you know nothing about sports" or my favorite to any Heat fan (which I am, but they'll be covered here too) "you're a bandwagon fan!"

I know I'm about to get that too, because you won't agree with my rules, but in the spirit of Bill Maher, its ...

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