BT’s 10 Bold 2010-11 NHL Predictions: The Calgary Flames

September 6th, 2010 by Bryan Thiel Leave a reply »
Alright, so based on some prior confusion, I suppose we need a few ground rules, or at least outline a few things:

1) The stretch is just that—a stretch. It's not a real prediction folks, so just calm down. Also, Armageddon was not a biopic nor some sort of immediate preview of what's happening to the Earth, and the only world-changing thing to happen in 2012 might be (hopefully) a Canadian team winning the Stanley Cup.

2) They're bold and not so bold predictions. The title limit just doesn't allow for that. So yes, some are a little vanilla, mundane, cool-headed, or otherwise. This still doesn't make "Duh" a coherent response to one.

3) If you want to argue a point that's fine. But if there's a link included, click it. It's there for a reason.

4) Bill Clinton's hair IS real and he did not have sexual...well you know.

Anyhow, now on to BT's Bold (and not so bold) Predictions for the Calgary Flames.


1) If Henrik Karlsson Is with the Team in October, He Wins 10 Games; Otherwise He Makes It By January

The biggest advantages Karlsson has over Leland Irving and Matt Keetley are experienc ...

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