Billy Sweatt: An Exclusive Interview with the New Vancouver Canucks Winger

September 20th, 2010 by Joseph Trenton Leave a reply »
By Todd Cordell: My Exclusive Interview with Billy Sweatt of the Vancouver Canucks First off I would like to thank Billy Sweatt and his agent Scott Norton for setting this interview up, especially on such short notice.

Here is my exclusive interview with one of the newest Vancouver Canucks, Billy Sweatt.


Before we get into hockey, please tell me what your thoughts are on Make My Day Monday, the charity that your agent (Scott Norton) started.

Billy Sweatt: I think it is a great idea.  Scott's other clients and myself included are blessed to be living our dreams of playing professional hockey and there are some people out there that are less fortunate.  So I think it's extremely important to give back and help people in need anyway possible.


What did you do in the summer to help prepare yourself for the upcoming season?

Sweatt: My summer regiment was probably similar to most other players out there.  It included five days a week of lifting and plyometrics, skating (three times at the start of summer, then progressed to four in August, then to five at the end of August), ...

Read Full Article at Bleacher Report - NHL
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