Jesus wept, was that game ever brutal.
I swear, had there been a rusty spoon about, I would have gladly dug out my eyes in favour of suffering the sight of that dismal performance.
Unfortunately there wasn’t, so my masochistic tendencies had me endure the full 60 minutes of sensory torture at the hands of the increasingly sadistic Ottawa Senators.
Why? Why so awful?
How does a team come out charging, and beat one of the finest teams in the league, then in the very next game, lay a steaming pile at centre ice for the enjoyment of the paying home crowd?
Are they trying to empty the building?
I won’t even get into the officiating…even I’m not that much of a masochist. Potvin and Brown pretty much summed up my feelings on that aspect of the game. When the commentators are openly questioning the skill/character of the officials, you know there’s an issue.
Add to this the fact that every team Ottawa is hoping to catch, with the exception of Montreal, seem to be playing each other every night, and going to over-time, has the post season picture bec ...
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Article written by Gerald Norton
Ottawa Senators V. 2010: And the Beat(ings) Go On
December 31st, 2010 by Gerald Norton Leave a reply »