Amare Stoudemire: Why He Should Get MVP Over Lebron James

January 4th, 2011 by Chris Brunau Leave a reply »
With the NBA All Star Game a little over a month away, MVP talks have been heating up, and as usual, Lebron James seems to be the favorite. 

When asked his thoughts on the subject, Lebron said it would be unlikely he or Dwayne Wade get it. Anyone can see through this statement and understand that he is not being humble, but instead taking the mentality that the entire world hates him, and that is why he won't get it. 

Let him think what he will, because everyone does hate him. But, the real reason he shouldn't be MVP is because of Amare Stoudemire. 

Lebron James is the best player in the NBA, and the best player usually will win the MVP, but it must be noted also how valuable the player is to his team. In Stoudemire's case, he is the most valuable player to any one team, and he has the skills and numbers to be amongst the top players. 

Amare is second behind Kevin Durant with 26.4 ppg. Lebron is fifth with 24.8. He is 14 overall in rebounds per game and sixth overall in blocks per game. The first and last statistics are the most interesting and shocking, because those categories are usually not dominated by Amare's ...

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