Pivot Points: Kobe Bryant and the Attack of the Flat-Earthers

February 20th, 2010 by Hadarii Jones Leave a reply »
Before Ferdinand Magellan's crew completed their historic journey around the globe in 1522, there was a large contingent of society who believed the world was flat, and if one sailed to the ends of the ocean, they would simply fall off the map into oblivion.

Magellan's voyage coupled with other historical journeys ended talks of a flat world for the majority of people but there was still a group who refused to believe the presented evidence and these people came to be known as "flat-earthers."

"Flat-Earthers" exist on various levels in our society today, only the issues they represent separate them from the people in the 1500s, and they are similar in their confusing denial to the facts of a matter.

President Barack Obama's struggles with the "birthers," and "truthers" is one example, and in the NBA Kobe Bryant's battle to receive the proper respect for his accomplishments is another.

Never has a player produced on the level which Bryant has and simultaneously had his achievements diminished by a portion of the public which simply refuses to see the truth in his legacy.

Bryant's four championships eclipse the total numb ...

Read Full Article at Bleacher Report - NBA
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