NHL After-Olympics Stock Market

March 1st, 2010 by TAB BAMFORD Leave a reply »
Whenever something takes two weeks away from the NHL season, there better be a good reason. This year, the Olympics did just that. The Idiot In Charge, I mean Commissioner Gary Bettman has made the point that there needs to be a legitimate value to the National Hockey League for the League to continue investing in the world's greatest sports spectacle. If the largest television audience in the history of Canada, and the largest non-Super Bowl audience for a sporting event in the United States in over six years isn't reason enough, what is? Not everything was super in the Olympics though. While most skaters will join their teams healthy, and the drama on Sunday has undoubtedly left many Canadian players hung over and Americans heart broken, the real impact of the tournament might be between the ears. So who's up? Who's down? What is the stock market of NHL players now that the dust has settled? Let's evaluate a few players...Begin Slideshow


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