I have watched and read closely the misguided idiots commit blasphemy against a basketball god that is Kobe Bryant.
These people have claimed that Lebron James is better than Kobe Bryant. Funnier still, some of these folks have claimed that, in fact, Kevin Durant is better than Kobe Bryant. Add Charles Barkley to the list of one of these misguided idiots; he too believes that Lebron James is better than Kobe Bryant.
I refuse to wait until Bryant retires or is put into the Hall of Fame to recognize his greatness. I refuse to wait until he grows old and dies at 100 to say how good of a basketball player he was. I will do it now once and for all—KOBE BRYANT IS THE GREATEST PLAYER TO EVER TOUCH A BASKETBALL.
He is the reason why people love basketball. All over the world, people worship Bryant—as they should.
The guy is simply the best.
Bleacher Report - NBA
Article written by Adeyemi Adediran