Are The Wizards Troubles Going To Cost Flip Saunders His Job?

December 5th, 2010 by Kevon Robinson Leave a reply »
Flip Saunders. Catchy name, but his job may be on the line.

You have to cut him some slack because he definitely didn't sign up for this. After being hired as the head coach of an all-veteran team last year loaded with all-stars like Gilbert Arenas, Antawn Jamison and Caron Butler, who would've thought that 365 days later there would be talk of rebuilding? Or trading Gilbert Arenas?


You can say the system isn't fair because the player that put the team in turmoil in the first place is the only one who remains on the team from last year's starting five.

Although you have to consider that it is almost a 100 percent guarantee that the Wizards offered Gilbert Arenas to all 32 NBA teams. 

Right now, after getting first overall pick John Wall and experimenting his game style with Arenas', the Wizards have yet to win a road game and are well below .500.

During the game against the Phoenix Suns, the Wizards seemed to match them shot after shot, and did a very good job keeping up with the Suns in the first half. That was until the second half, when the Suns pulled away due to the Wizards' lack of defensive ...

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