In every sense of the word, the loss was truly, utterly, and completely pathetic.
What is really sad is that the loss, while pathetic (have I mentioned that), wasn’t even the worst loss of the season. It might not even crack the top ten. Heck, it wasn’t even the most pathetic loss in the last five days.
Wow, that is pathetic.
I guess if there was a silver lining, at least it wasn’t at home.
Why then has this loss, as opposed to all the other maddening defeats the Celtics have suffered this year, set me off?
It is because the defeat epitomized all that has plagued and will continue to plague the Celtics this season.
They did shoot well from the floor with 54% from the field. Yet they still lost. To a bad team that shot only 44%.
All year, Boston has struggled on the boar ...
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Article written by Stew Winkel