Dallas Mavericks’ Owner Mark Cuban Has a Few Choice Words For the NJ Nets Owner

December 10th, 2010 by Jeff Cockey Leave a reply »
We need more people in professional sports like Dallas Mavericks’ owner Mark Cuban. There is never a question as to his dedication. His seats in Dallas are right next to the bench, and when on the road he is there in his t-shirt and jeans rooting loudly just behind his players.

He has never been one to shy away from voicing his opinion either. When the guys with the whistles upset Mr. Cuban he has, on occasion, been known to (since I am in the South right now I will use a southern phrase) “pop off” on them as encouragement to not be so ridiculous with their calls.

Though, to my knowledge, he has yet to throw a chair—a la Bobby Knight. He has certainly lined Commissioner David Stern's pockets with plenty of generous fines that would easily pay off my debt, buy me that new truck I need, put a nice down payment on my future house and have enough left over to get season tickets to the Mavericks.

Full Disclosure: I am a Celtics fan but that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate the Mavs owner.

Cuban had the wherewithal to get the hell out of the dot-com bubble before it burst and also had the chops to act on H ...

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