Dallas Mavs: For Roddy and Dojo, One Mav’s Injury Is Another Mav’s Opportunity

September 1st, 2010 by Janet Kessler Leave a reply »
All in Mavsland collectively were shocked when this early August news hit home, second year Dallas Mavericks point-guard Rodrique Beaubois broke his foot while practicing for team France.  I too shed a tear or two upon learning of this disappointing news, but hey...to bluntly quote owner Mark Cuban:  "He broke his foot he didn't have his leg amputated!"
That's the high-stakes gamble NBA owners take when they give permission so their players can play overseas, and one Cuban wishes he never needed to make, and one that will cost his young point-guard of the future valuable growing time.    
I can't help but feel sad for Roddy B.  I was looking very much forward to hearing reports from Europe of him showing the brilliant basketball skills that he was unable to do from the bench last season.  His schooling for now will be limited to a classroom with a video player. 
This injury will result in Beaubois missing a chance to display for all the worlds eyes to see, the unique talent that we as Mavs Fans are proud to claim as our own.  It looks like ...

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