Do NBA Teams Pay More for Offense or Defense?

September 3rd, 2015 by Adam Fromal Leave a reply »

There are many ways to get paid in the NBA. However, not all of them are created equally, and the discrepancy often boils down to strange valuations of contributions on each side of the floor. 

Even though scoring is usually the first stat cited in many conversations and highlights almost exclusively show replays of thunderous dunks, flashy feeds and deep triples, basketball is, after all, a sport where teams can win through many unique methods of roster creation. But no matter how different some styles might be, all must involve defense to some extent. 

Offense matters, sure. But without defense, the good teams have trouble becoming great. Similarly, the league's elite talents experience difficulty when attempting to transition into the realm of historical excellence. Though this is but one of many examples, you need look no further than the reigning MVP for proof. 

Stephen Curry has been a stellar offensive player for years, but it wasn't until he figured things out on the defensive end that he made the leap into the top individual echelon and got his hands on the coveted Maurice Podoloff Trophy. Though ca ...

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