Erica Blasberg: Doctor Pleads Guilty in Suicide

December 2nd, 2010 by Tom Kinslow Leave a reply »
Erica Blasberg committed suicide this past May but Thomas Hess pleaded guilty to misdemeanor obstruction.

According to reports, Hess admitted to removing a suicide note and prescription pills from the golfer's home before police arrived to investigate. Hess said he wanted to spare her family the embarrassment.

In August suicide was determined as the cause of Blasberg's death with asphyxia cited as the main cause of death along with the presence of prescription drugs being rules as a significant factor as well. Hess didn't do a great job covering it up as it was obvious to her family that something was wrong.

“At first glance it looks like she might have taken her own life, but at a second glance, something is very, very strange about it," Blasberg's father was quoted as saying.

Hess was sentenced to one year of probation and 40 hours of community service.

Do you think the punishment fits the crime? Either way, its a sad, sad story.


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