Exposing the 7 Biggest Myths in NBA Arguments

August 7th, 2012 by Josh Martin Leave a reply »
Like any sport worth its salt, NBA basketball is prone to sparking intense arguments amongst its fans, from casual observers to lifelong diehards. The advent of statistics, along with an increased understanding of what it takes to play the game and how it's changed over the years, has only added fuel to these rhetorical fires.

So, too, has the rise of new superstars and the etching of aging ones into the annals of the league's illustrious history, not to mention the lengths to which some writers, like Bill Simmons and Chris Ballard, have gone to dissect and document it.

Debates lie at the heart of what gives any league longevity and relevance beyond the temporal boundaries of watching games as they're going on during the season.

And it's in these summer months, when free agency is all but over and training camps are still what seems like an eternity away, that old debates return to the fore and new ones are forged and framed, with an eye turned squarely to the future.

So, when the roundball rowdy in your life tries to show you up with any of these seven cockamamee notions, be sure to shoot 'em down like Adam and Jamie on Mythbusters.

Read Full Article at Bleacher Report - NBA
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