John Wall Faces off with Jack Black in Short ‘Sequel to Teen Wolf’

June 15th, 2013 by Jesse Dorsey Leave a reply »
It's not Michael J. Fox and the creepy, chubby dude who played Francis in Pee-Wee's Big Adventure, but Jack Black, Kyle Gass and John Wall have tried their hands at a follow-up to Teen Wolf, the new and improved Adult Wolf.

Black appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live to show off his faux trailer for the sequel to the beloved '80s classic.

It's pretty much exactly what you would expect.

The preview truly has everything, from conveniently priced entry fees for a father-son basketball tournaments (with an equally conveniently priced award), Wall being adopted by the guy who plays Dr. Cox in Scrubs and a magnificent montage.

It's even complete with a happy ending, so I suppose the entire movie is given away in the trailer.

However goofy this may have been, I'm hoping it sparks a trend of comedians making faux sequels to famous basketball movies. Let's see Charlie Murphy playing an adult Neon Boudeaux in Blue Chips II, Bill Murray reprising his role in Space Jam and Whoopi Goldberg making Eddie 2. 

On second thought, let's just stay away from ever mentioning Eddie again. Life will probably be a lot happier that way ...

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