Just Saying, Is All… | If Kobe Bryant Catches Michael Jordan

April 29th, 2010 by Ryan Alberti Leave a reply »
There are no rational debates.

Kobe Bryant haters love statistical analysis. They also, more fundamentally, hate Kobe Bryant. For years, critics of the Los Angeles Lakers guard have argued that he can’t be counted among the all-time greats until he matches Michael Jordan’s six career NBA championships—which would be a more reasonable requirement if it weren’t open for revision now that Kobe seems capable of fulfilling it.

Skepticism means rejecting that which can’t be proven.

Solipsism, on the other hand, means embracing that which is beyond proof.

I’m not suggesting that two more Larry O’Brien trophies will put Bryant on Jordan’s level. Greatness is a qualitative variable, and no mere number can confer legendary status. But Kobe haters have to live with the standard they set. In a game where every player shoots at the same basket, it isn’t fair to move the hoop whenever your opponent drives the lane.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Truth is in the mind of the believer.

If there’s a lesson to be learned from the capriciousness of the anti-Kobe crowd, i ...

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