King for a Day: Every Team’s Chances Of Signing LeBron James

April 1st, 2010 by Jose Salviati Leave a reply »
It's almost here. You can feel the excitement in NBA arenas throughout the USA and Canada. Teams have been preparing for this all season long with some ramping up their efforts recently to best prepare for the upcoming event. Fans are pumped, NBA executives are planning and players are preparing. What is it that has the NBA community so charged up? If you guessed playoffs, you would be wrong. So, so wrong. Never in the history of the Association has the playoffs taken a back seat to the real story line this season in the NBA, free agency. The draft is nice, but it can be hit-or-miss. The Clippers are the most recent example of what could go wrong even when you have the first pick in the draft. Free agency is different. You aren't hoping for the best from an unproven player, you are investing in a proven commodity. Franchise's fortunes can shift 180 degrees if they sign the right player. The list this year is fraught with "right" players. Check out the quality of players available this summer that has G.M.'s frothing at the mouth: Dwyane Wade Chris Bosh Joe Johnson Amare Stoudemire Rudy Gay (restricted) Carlos Boozer Dirk Nowitzki (player option) Paul Pierce (pla ...

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