LeBron James Criticism Is Warranted, But There’s Fault On Both Sides

August 29th, 2010 by John Evans Leave a reply »
July 8, 2010 will always be regarded as a dark, ominous day in Cleveland's already sad history. Even sad sports memories such as "The Shot," "The Drive," "The Fumble," Red Right 88, and Art Modell taking the Browns away couldn't equal to half the impact that one man and his decision had on an entire city.

On the evening of July 8, Akron's (former) son, the self-proclaimed "King" LeBron James uttered words on national TV that shook the core of his former team and the city of Cleveland itself: "I've decided to take my talents to South Beach and join the Miami Heat."

The second that LeBron James said those words, months of speculation and anxiety turned instantly into sorrow and pain for a entire city. Now, I know that there have been many articles like this, so let me take a second to let my readers know where I stand:

Did LeBron James break any laws or do anything wrong when he decided to leave Cleveland and sign with the Miami Heat? No. LeBron was a free agent and exercised his right to sign with any team he desired, he honored his contract with Cleveland.

Did LeBron cause thousands of people suffering and heartache after he quit in game ...

Read Full Article at Bleacher Report - NBA
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