LeBron James Miami Heat: Maybe the Most Overrated Athlete of All Time

December 10th, 2010 by Earnest Harris Leave a reply »
So much ado about so little.

That may be the best way to sum up the career of LeBron James, or "King James" as someone decided to anoint him.

When James first made it to the NBA, the hype that preceded him was incredible. Rarely had any high school player coming into the league, or any professional sport, met with such excitement, predictions of greatness and overall media hype.

Comparisons to Michael Jordan were common.

Predictions of instant success with numerous NBA titles expected were talked about openly by almost everyone.

And of course, many millions of dollars flowed his way from endorsement deals even before he made one basket in an NBA game.

That level of hype has not faded since James won Rookie of the Year honors in the 2003-04 season with the Cleveland Cavaliers, who of course thought James would soon bring an NBA title to the city.

Comparisons to Michael Jordan and that other heir-apparent, Kobe Bryant, continue.

In fact, one of the biggest marketing ploys was a continuing one that pitted Kobe vs. LeBron, playing on the belief that these were the two best players in the lea ...

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