LeBron James or Michael Jordan: Who’s Got the Bigger Shadow?

September 2nd, 2010 by Bear Heiser Leave a reply »
I am a staunch believer in doing WHATEVER it takes to win. I call that, the “Michael Jordan” approach. 

When the 2009-10 NBA season ended, there was a ton of hype around free agency. The world wasn’t sure if LBJ was going to decide with his heart and stay in his hometown of Cleveland, or listen to his head (which follows the MJ approach) and leave town for a team that gives him the best chance at winning long-term. 

For seven years now, LeBron James has been compared to Michael Jordan in every way possible, on and off the court. Many “experts” said LeBron would go to Miami and NOT the Bulls because he didn’t want to play in MJ’s shadow, and that MJ’s shadow is so big that anything short of winning six titles and being the BEST PLAYER EVER TO PLAY THE GAME would be considered a total failure. 

Fifty-six days have passed since LBJ’s decision to take his talents to South Beach, but the following question still looms in my mind.

Is Michael Jordan’s shadow greater than the shadow LeBron James created for himself by over-hyping his decision to join Dwayne Wade and ...

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