The Pistons have obviously been a perplexing team to watch this season.
After displaying a promising preseason, they were mercilessly attacked by the ghost of sprained ankles, bad backs, and broken noses. But instead of losing their next five games, they managed to WIN them.
And in exciting fashion, at that.
Next, we Piston fans were relieved to hear that Rip Hamilton was making his long-awaited return. Only to see him go down two games later. Oh, and leaving us a 13-game losing streak as a gift. Finally, everybody became healthy, right on time to display every single problem we predicted they would have.
The culprit? No, not injuries, chemistry problems, or lack of motivation.
The culprit is Joe Dumars.
Yeah, I said it. The man who turned spare parts into the second-best team of the 2000's single-handedly made a monster. You know, the one that is 50 feet tall, has steel armor; oh, and can create bad contracts out of thin air.
For the first time in a decade, things are looking bleaker than ever. And it would take a miracle for everything to fall neatly into place. No playoffs, no life, no hope. Tha ...
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Article written by Omari Sankofa II
Let’s Be Real, Can the Pistons Really Turn Things Around?
March 18th, 2010 by Omari Sankofa II Leave a reply »