Pau Gasol is the most important player on the Los Angeles Lakers.
Notice I didn’t say the "most talented." Notice that "most important" doesn’t give any indication as to how much more important he is. Notice I didn’t say Kobe Bryant.
Don’t get me wrong. I am all for Jelly Bean taking the forefront in all of our discussions with respect to the Greatest Laker of All Time (G.L.O.A.T.) and the G.O.A.T. His contribution to the organization is undeniably galactic.
But bear with me while I tell you a story.
Once upon a time, there was a man who wore a 'fro on his head and a No. 8 across his chest. There was another man who proclaimed to wear a red cape on his back. No. 8 was the future; the latter was a really big man. As a tandem, the two soared to great heights.
When the time came to shine the spotlight though, each refused to make room for the other. Bridges were burned, hatred was spewed and hearts were broken.
The big man was shipped away to another land.
Sound familiar?
From my understanding, it takes more tha ...
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Article written by Feed Bynum
Los Angeles Lakers: Sorry Kobe, Pau Gasol Is the Most Important on the Floor
March 1st, 2011 by Feed Bynum Leave a reply »