NBA Fantasy Preview: 25 Names To Know (and a Few To Forget) for Your Draft

September 24th, 2010 by Sean Keane Leave a reply »
The 2010-2011 NBA season is almost upon us, which means fantasy hoops drafts are right around the corner.  Hopefully your football team is playing well and keeping you busy, and maybe you're in the baseball playoffs too.

But, if you're like me, your baseball team missed the playoffs and you're facing the real possibility of starting 0-3 in football, which means basketball season can't start soon enough.

Every year a shrewd owner makes a few picks that leave the rest of the league scratching their heads. 

Maybe they just took a guy you never heard of, or maybe they just took some underachiever four rounds before you would have. Or even worse, they landed a bona fide stud with one of their last picks.

Inevitably, those head scratchers are usually the players that separate the winners from the losers.  Those no-names your opponent lands have a way of making them look really smart. 

You know the owner I'm talking about, there's one in every league.  You probably still remember the players they stole in the draft too.

In last year's drafts, Stephen Curry, Tyreke Evans, and Brandon Jennings ...

Read Full Article at Bleacher Report - NBA
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