NBA Free Agency: Pros and Cons of the Great LeBron James Destination Debate

June 29th, 2010 by David Weiss Leave a reply »
Five teams are in serious contention to get Lebron James- the Cavs, Heat, Bulls, Knicks, and Nets.

That much we know.

Meanwhile, because Lebron and his team have been so tight-lipped,  the media has had to go off even the smallest of leads, which have resulted in contradictory reports of who the front-runner is on almost a daily basis.

So, let's try and settle this debate the old-fashioned way- Pros/Cons of each team.

Cleveland Cavaliers:

Pros: Cleveland is, undoubtedly, the sentimental favorite. Lebron was born and raised in Akron, Ohio and has a kinship to it. Ownership has, unofficially, allowed Lebron free reign in deciding who stays and who goes, essentially making Lebron the second domino in the hierarchy behind Dan Gilbert. The Cavs, meanwhile, have been the best regular season team for the past two seasons and have tradable pieces that could fetch them a player like Al Jefferson. Lastly, Lebron being as much a student and admirer of the game of basketball as any one of us here, he can appreciate the legacies that players like Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, and Michael Jordan (the Wizards years were only a blemish ...

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