Ricky Rubio: Did His Profesional Career Start Too Early?

October 9th, 2010 by Recovering Wolfaholic Leave a reply »
Ricky Rubio’s debut in the NBA has been highly anticipated since he signed his first pro contract at the age of 14.  His reputation preceeds him, his talent is undeniable, and his star potential has been speculated by many.

In Olympic competition and the World Championships this past summer, Rubio showed the World what all the talk was about with flashes of pure brilliance.

But his stat line and his jump shot make a completely different argument on his behalf.  Many NBA fans look as his lackluster performances from previous years in Europe, and on Spain’s national team, and wonder what all the fuss is about.  He makes spectacular plays here and there, but where are the meat and potatoes that should show up in the box score?

Rubio supporters maintain that he is still very young, and European stats do not translate to the often inflated ones of the NBA.

Rubio finally played his first game against an NBA opponent this past week.  His team scored 92 points in an impressive win over the NBA Champion Lakers (notice how I didn’t say World Champions), but Rubio put up a bagel in the po ...

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