There are a lot of dumb things said every day in the world of sports—and basketball is no exception.
Here's a list of the five currently stupid things going on with the orange pumpkin:
5. NCAA Tournament Expansion
Want to turn the NCAA tournament into the ratings graveyard that the NBA is? Expand the tournament. I think this is the first NCAA idea that actually made me want to buy a torch and pitchfork.
4. The NBA Corner Three
The NBA three-point line is shorter on the sides than at the top—and it's not by a couple of inches: It's a full foot and nine inches closer. Why not just run the line to the out-of-bounds line and get rid of the corner three? NBA guys can shoot the lights out and are rarely defended when they shoot, so why allow this disparity? Why not just make one goal eight feet high—if we are just picking random measurements?
3. The Carry
Once, way back in "the day," players who could handle the ball actually had to be able to dribble with one hand on top of the ball—a la Bob Causy. Now, I'm not suggesting that we go back to that stiff style of ...
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Article written by Marcus Shockley
The Five Dumbest Things in Basketball Right Now
March 31st, 2010 by Marcus Shockley Leave a reply »