Toronto Raptors’ Options: They Can Be a Playoff Team Again Next Season

June 9th, 2010 by Stephen Brotherston Leave a reply »
Many fans and GMs are willing to sacrifice it all for a slim chance to be an NBA Finals team. 

But the reality is, unless you are willing to spend will over $10 million in luxury tax dollars, it is not going to happen under this CBA.  And there is a good chance it won’t happen under the next CBA either.

Even if your team’s owners are willing to deep into their pockets in an attempt to buy their city a championship, the odds are still against them.

One only has to look at the New York Knicks organization to see how big spending doesn’t guarantee playoffs, let alone championships.  Then there is the Mavericks, Cavaliers, and Magic who found out big spending doesn’t necessarily get it done either.

Five NBA teams had payrolls over $80 million this season.  One might have noticed, there is just one trophy.

So some teams decimated this year’s roster and forfeited a season or more for the slim chance of landing a couple of premier free agents and a chance to join the elite. 

One should question if it was worth it.

There is another strategy. ...

Read Full Article at Bleacher Report - NBA
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