Mission Impossible: Keeping the Thrashers in Atlanta

February 24th, 2011 by Nick Derence Leave a reply »
On the very cusp of finally realizing a moment of relaxation, at the most critical point of dropping off into peaceful nap, Ethan Hunt hears the disturbing rattling buzz of his highly customized iPhone 4.

"Dammit! What now?" 

He pounds his fist into the tray table that lays out in front of him. The rumbling is in stark contrast to the tranquil ambiance of the super-secret G650 that simply whispers though the early morning air. 

The message reads:

Good morning, Mr. Hunt. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, involves the recovery of a limping NHL organIzation, the Thrashers of Atlanta. You may select any two random billionaires for potential ownership transfer. They must be willing to keep the team in Atlanta, but it is essential that the third member of your team be me, Jim Balsillie. I am a Canadian patriot, and a highly capable NHL ownership candidate. You have forty-eight hours to recruit the other two investors and meet me in Hamilton, Ontario to receive your assignment. As always, should any member of your team be caught or killed, my secretary will disavow all knowledge of your actions. And Mr. Hunt, the next tim ...

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