NHL All-Star Starters: Why They Make the All-Star Game Even More Meaningless

January 4th, 2011 by Matt Hutter Leave a reply »
Honestly, I really didn't think this was possible.

The idea that the NHL All-Star Game—that utterly restrained, bland, scoring-fest that is supposed to promote the game of hockey by somehow stripping it of nearly everything that makes it great—could be made even less meaningful than it was already seemed, to my mind, impossible.

Nevertheless, the announcement of the 2011 NHL All-Star Game Starters has made what was a virtually meaningless game, absolutely so.

What would constitute a meaningful game you might ask?

After all, there are no points on the line in an All-Star game, no success for one side or the other beyond the ridiculously inflated score at the end of the tilt.

But given that, traditionally, an "All-Star" game was billed as a collection of a sports league's best and brightest stars in a given year, including the NHL's best and brightest stars in the starting lineup would at least make the game true to its intention.

Fan balloting has destroyed this feature of the game.

Sidney Crosby is having a phenomenal year and is hands-down the very best player in the league.


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