NHL: Why Hockey Fans Are the Best Fans in Pro Sports

December 25th, 2012 by Steve Silverman Leave a reply »
How do you not sound like just another yahoo when you say your sport is the best and your sport's fans are better than any others?

When you are being completely honest, it's always in the eye of the beholder.

Baseball fans say they are the best, and so do football and basketball fans.

Hockey fans are no different.

If we were measuring the best fans by the total number, there is little doubt that the best fans would belong to the NFL. Professional football fans not only fill up huge stadiums on an every-game basis, they make NFL football the most watched sport by a wide margin.

When it comes to the Super Bowl, no other televised program can challenge that event's dominance.

But when we are talking about passion, energy, knowledge and level of care, it's hard to say that any fans could offer more of all those characteristics than hockey fans.

Hockey fans know history, strategy and talent. They understand what non-hockey fans don't. The game is not about high-speed collisions and randomness. It is about creating opportunities with creativity, position and vision.

The greatly talented skater with th ...

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