To be quite honest, I never really got the idea behind writing a Christmas list.
Even as a kid, the process of writing down the gifts I wanted other people to buy me seemed selfish and a little narcissistic.
I'd write down all of the worthless crap my 10-year-old heart desired, and then my parents would forward the list to our relatives so they could make my dreams come true.
This always seemed strange to me.
Seriously, why not just call up my grandma and Aunt Nancy and say, "I'd like you to get me the Nerf Spiral Football and you can get me the G.I. Joe motorized tank?"
The joy that comes from gift-giving, I've always found, comes not from simply buying items off someone's shopping list, but knowing that person well enough to decide for yourself what gift would suit them best.
Sure, they may not have asked for it, but, if you're lucky, they'll not only appreciate the gift itself, but that you took the time to think about what they'd like beyond the 30 seconds it takes to read a line-item list of things the person could simply just buy for themselves.
Gift-giving should be more than gift-buying.
Read Full Article at Bleacher Report - NHL
Article written by Matt Hutter
NHL’s Winter Classic Wonderland: The Perfect Christmas Gifts for All 30 Teams
December 19th, 2010 by Matt Hutter Leave a reply »