Sink or Swim: Three San Jose Sharks That Need to Step Up to Win the Stan

September 24th, 2010 by Cale Loney Leave a reply »
The San Jose Sharks have had years of success in the regular season. Over the same span, the San Jose Sharks have had some playoff mistakes as well. The problem for the Sharks is that their big guns in the regular season are often silenced come the postseason.

Last year saw the Sharks come ever so close to their first appearance in the Stanley Cup Finals. Unfortunately for the Sharks, they came up against future cup champions, the Chicago Blackhawks.

While the Sharks saw more success last season, the same problem persisted. Why is it that when most of the league's best offensive players turn it up a notch in the postseason, San Jose's big guns turn it down?

The following players hold the keys to the Sharks swimming all the way to the cup finals this postseason.

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